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Thursday, 11 August 2016

Pregnant Ginnifer Goodwin Really Wants Her Kids to Love Disney as Much as She Does

UPDATE: Goodwin confirms to E! News during the Zootopia premiere that she is pregnant with another boy. The star tells us that they don't have any names picked out yet, but she and hubby Josh Dallas wanted another son. She adds that their firstborn, Oliver, kind of understands he's going to be a big brother, and pats his mom's belly, saying, "Hi, baby."Being a mother can bring on a number of fears, and for Ginnifer Goodwin, one of those fears has to do with the love of Disney. We'll explain. In the latest issue of Disney Twenty-Three, the pregnant...

Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas Will Name Their Second Son Crane Rutabaga (If Jimmy Kimmel Has Any Say)

Whenever Ginnifer Goodwin visits Jimmy Kimmel Live!, she happens to be pregnant. Such was the case when the voice star of Walt Disney Animation's Zootopia stopped by Jimmy Kimmel's late-night show Monday. "You're on a roll, huh?" the host joked. Goodwin replied, "It's been suggested more than once that my husband [Josh Dallas] and I should watch more television.""This is a different baby," Ginnifer assured him, adding, "We figured if we didn't do it back-to-back, we probably wouldn't go back in. If you have me back promoting something next year..."Ginnifer...

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