Whenever Ginnifer Goodwin visits Jimmy Kimmel Live!, she happens to be pregnant. Such was the case when the voice star of Walt Disney Animation's Zootopia stopped by Jimmy Kimmel's late-night show Monday. "You're on a roll, huh?" the host joked. Goodwin replied, "It's been suggested more than once that my husband [Josh Dallas] and I should watch more television."
"This is a different baby," Ginnifer assured him, adding, "We figured if we didn't do it back-to-back, we probably wouldn't go back in. If you have me back promoting something next year..."
Ginnifer said her second pregnancy feels much easier, due in larger part to the fact that she and Josh are "chasing a toddler" most of the day. "The first time we thought we needed to be heroes and do everything ourselves." They balked at the idea of hiring help even after Oliver Finley Dallas' May 2014 birth. "We thought, 'That's too L.A. for us,' so we went real hippy-dippy. This time we're going at it Downton Abbey-style—staffing up—like a nanny and an under-nanny." When Oliver was born, "We were really DIY About it. He delivered the baby."
"DIY did you do that?" Jimmy asked. "Has he even played a doctor on television?"
"No. He worked it out with a legitimate physician that he would be at Cedars," Ginnifer said. "The hospital didn't know. He just stepped aside and was like, 'And now Josh...' Most women don't let their husbands south of the headboard, right? But he still makes babies with me, so..."
Josh wasn't exactly prepared. "We didn't even watch YouTube videos. I mean, the doctor was supervising. The doctor was in the room," she said. "They didn't even make him wear gloves."
Jimmy's eyes widened at her revelation. "What?" he asked.
"And he still makes babies with me!" Ginnifer said. "It's a miracle."
"Are you sure this was doctor that you were with and not a scam artist?" Jimmy asked.
"It's L.A.," Ginnifer replied. "I think they found him off of ER."
Ginnifer has continued to film ABC's Once Upon a Time throughout her second pregnancy. But unlike last time, the writers did no incorporate it into the script. "I do, like, Shrek out," she said. "I told them there should be a curse of babies. A fertility curse! Everyone is pregnant! Instead they just stick me [behind things]. I'm always carrying paintings or just standing in bushes."
Because she's been so busy promoting Zootopia and filming Once Upon a Time, Ginnifer hasn't been afforded much time to think of a name for Baby No. 2. And when she has, she's struggled to find something that sounds appropriate. "It's hard. My husband's last name is Dallas, and my last name is Dallas. It's wonderful. It's strong. You can't do geographical locations with Dallas. It sounds like an airport," the actress said. "And if you double D it up, it sounds pornographic." In hindsight, she admitted, "We kind of blew our two favorite names on one kid [Oliver Finley]."
To help Ginnifer come up with a name, Jimmy presented her with two bingo hoppers. Bird names were written on Ping-Pong balls in the first hopper, and vegetable names were written on Ping-Pong balls in the second hopper. Jimmy Kimmel Live!'s Guillermo Rodriguez selected "Crane," delighting Ginnifer. "That's our physician's name!" she told Jimmy. "He's going to freak!"
Ginnifer added, "I feel like this means something."
After Guillermo selected "Eggplant" from the second hopper, Ginnifer asked, "Is this legally binding, this name?" Jimmy suggested they try again for a "magical" name—i.e., "something that sounds really, really good." Guillermo did as we was told and came up with "Rutabaga."
Watch the video clips above to see how Ginnifer feels about the name Crane Rutabaga Dallas.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas Will Name Their Second Son Crane Rutabaga (If Jimmy Kimmel Has Any Say)
Celebrities, Ginnifer Goodwin, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Pregnancies, Top Stories
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